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Hubert Kennedy: Anarchist der Liebe

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Hubert Kennedy, der Autor
Autor: Hubert Kennedy:
Titel: Anarchist der Liebe
Untertitel: John Henry Mackay als Sagitta
Editoriales Überarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung von "Anarchist of Love" (New York: Mackay Society, 1983). Aus dem Amerikanischen übers. von Almuth Carstens
Erscheinungsort:Berlin (W.):
Verlag: Edition AurorA (im) Verlag Jochen Knoblauch,
Erscheinungsjahr: 1988.
Umfang: 56 Seiten
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Der amerikanische Germanist Kennedy beschreibt mit viel Sachkenntnis das "geheime Leben" des deutsch-schottischen Schriftstellers John Henry Mackay. Mackay hatte einen schweren Stand, als Anarchist und Schwuler. Der Autor versteht es, diese Problematik eindringlich in die Gegenwart zu transportieren.


Über den Autor

Hubert Kennedy, PhD, is a Research Associate at the Center for Research and Education in Sexuality at San Francisco State University. He has over 200 publications in several languages, from an analysis of the mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx and a revelation of Marx's homophobia, to theoretical genetics and a proof of the impossibility of an organism that requires more than two sexes in order to reproduce. In addition, Dr. Kennedy has written biographies of the Italian mathematician Giuseppe Peano and the German homosexual emancipationist/theorist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, and has edited the collected writings of Ulrichs. His translations of the boy-love novels of the German anarchist writer John Henry Mackay and his investigations of the writings of Mackay have helped establish Mackay's place in the gay canon. Dr. Kennedy also translated selections from Der Eigene for the volume Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany, coedited with Harry Oosterhuis, and is the author of The Ideal Gay Man: The Story of Der Kreis.

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